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The Millionaire Male Mind, Dissected by a Success Seeking Woman

Ever wonder how millionaire men think? Or what their day-to-day lives look like, what they do that makes them so successful?

A key best practice of rich and successful people is to surround yourself with other successful people who can act as mentors, advice givers and guides to your along your journey from where you are to where you want to be.

Goal Digger: Lessons Learned From The Rich Men I Dated

Author Alicia Dunams took a most unusual approach in doing this which and ultimately led to this page-turner of a success guide that I thoroughly enjoyed. Alicia’s eventful admirable life journey has had many twists and turns from which she openly shares stories and draws insightful positive lessons.

Circumstances that would have stopped a lesser person, have driven this diva to creating true wealth and independence for herself and security and time for her daughter.

The wisdom she imparts on building a investment, real estate and business portfolio of diverse assets to “get your money working for you” is the essence of smart business.

Her stories of her rich men and their secrets to success are entertaining, intriguing and enlightening. I think Alicia’s message of “Why marry a millionaire when you could just think like one?” is an extremely important one for women to hear, as we are living in a day and age in which we have all the capabilities to create our own financial security rather than relying on a mate to provide it for us.

With the tools in this book, you’ll learn how other went from zero to millionaire status using these lessons to take advantage of proven wealth building opportunities.

I loved the chapter on the Abracadabra Principle that teaches you how to create as you speak, and equally as important are the chapters on Fear and Risk, which I see holding so many people back. I also love the “Don’t Work, Think Your Way to Riches” chapter, as it is very in keeping with the Chic Entrepreneur philosophy as well.

Understanding how the rich deal with the elements of business is a big eye opener. This book will give you insight into the inner mental game of millionaire men, info you can’t find anywhere else. Thank Alicia for sharing the inside scoop with us!

In a great show of how powerful the female perspective is in explaining business and money success principles, this motivational self-help mixes juicy stories, with practical business and wealth enhancing strategies.

You will be inspired by Alicia’s personal journey and awed by the power of the lessons she’s uncovered.

Alicia’s message of -Why marry a millionaire when you could just become one yourself- is an extremely important one for women to hear. I caught myself underlining key points throughout this entertaining and enjoyable read. Full of great content and advice in an easy to read format.