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Kimberly Douglas, President of FireFly Facilitation, shares her Chic Tips for business success.
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Kimberly Douglas, President of FireFly Facilitation, shares her Chic Tips for business success.
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Want to make your team meeting the most exciting part of the week ? If so check out this episode the Chic Perspectives Show.
This week I had the pleasure of talking with internationally recognized team effectiveness and innovation expert, Kimberly Douglas, President of FireFly Facilitation about igniting the innovation on teams. Kimberly has earned numerous awards and recognition and was recently honored with two awards for innovation – the SHRM Pinnacle Award and Facilitator of the Year by the Southeast Association of Facilitators. www.fireflyfaciliation.com
I got the chance to find all about Kimberly’s critically acclaimed book, The Firefly Effect, and how the concepts in the book have been changing the way leaders and managers think about their own creativity as well as that of their people.
Innovation is the way out the recession, says Kimberly. Businesses need to dare more to be different if they are going to survive and thrive through the recession. Kimberly talked about how everyone can find that spark of creativity within them and what a tremendous corporate asset that can be to businesses.
We talked about the new role of leadership in corporations, no longer is the charge to command and control, but rather to inspire and creative an environment when collaboration can lead to the productive leveraging of all team members unique strengths. Kimberly talked about how to find untapped talent within an organization.
Next we got into workplace conflict – surprise – you shouldn’t be by it. Conflict is normal, natural and can be a great impetus for sparking creativity. Kimberly shared how to make conflict a source of “creative abrasion†and avoid the time wasters of infighting, destructive sarcasm and ego battling.
There’s so much talk about strategic planning in companies, that often the plan is so overwhelming and complex, it causes a scattered focus – which no company can afford these days. Kimberly shared how to keep the team focused on the marketplace and business goals.
Kimberly talked about how when you tap into the innovation of your team, infinite possibilities become available that can catapult your business results to new heights. Â She shares tools and techniques for holding team members accountable and keeping them engaged.
She also shared with us the secrets of the world’s leading thinking styles assessment tool – the HBDI – explained how people can use these practical tips to immediately improve their communication effectiveness.
Kimberly shared some of the projects she has been brought in on and the specific results her company has achieved for clients. She also shares her outlook for how companies are innovating out of the recession, the opportunities smart companies are spotting and taking advantage of and the changes she says to expect in 2010.
Thanks Kimberly for illuminating your light on some very complex and challenging business issues and reminding us all to look for our own unique spark of innovation – we all have a unique light to shine.
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Mark Allen, veteran entrepreneur, and Gary Ellis, marketing and sales professional and graphic design entrepreneur, were in the studio today to talk about LockboxData.com, and online safe deposit box for personal, confidential information and documents that can be accessed from anywhere.
Gary and Mark have been friends for years and attend the same church. Â After founding the company, Mark approached Gary this year to help take LockBoxData.com from a developed concept to a marketable business.
Mark talked about how he created Secure Data Systems with Todd Cormack. Todd came up with this idea when his son’s computer crashed. Disasters like that, make you think – wouldn’t it be nice to have somewhere you could store all the important data you might need. So Todd and Mark worked on this concept for several years, developing it as different situations occurred.
Then Hurricane Katrina really showed the team the value a product like this could have in the marketplace. After all, when your hard drive is washed out to sea…you’ve lost it. Katrina victims also learned everything in safe deposit boxes were turned to mush, along with all the documents in their homes.
First Mark and Gary talked about how LockBoxData.com works – it’s really like an online safe deposit box. Mark and Todd built it so you can download, scan or even fax your important documents and data into your account. LockBoxData.com is an encrypted service monitored daily by Trust Guard a third party online security service.
When you sign up for an account you receive a personal encryption key that encrypts your data a second time. The encrypted data is stored in multiple offsite server farms to again assure information is safe and protected.
You set up and manage your account just like you would your computer files. You set and name the folders like you want them, then you download your documents, place them into your folders. For security,
LockBoxData.com will send you an email every time your account is opened.
We then talked about why people need something like this. Everyone who works on a computer knows to always save your documents; you never know when something might happen. It’s kind of that way with life,we just never know when something might happen.
Generally in a family, one of the parties handles the majority of the family business, “what if†something happened to that person, would the other know where to locate all the important or critical documents.
Studies have shown millions of dollars are left in bank accounts because something happens to the account owner and no knows about it.
What if you lost all your passwords, lost important personal or family documents, it just goes on and on. There will be a point for all of us, when it’s not “what if†but “whenâ€.
For those whose grandparents or parents are still living, who knows where their important information is located in a time of stress or death.
Mark and Gary spoke about why data security has suddenly become so important for people.
People have so much stuff these days, we can’t keep up with it all. Whether you’re in college or retired, you need somewhere to keep your documents and data where you can easily access them. The world is becoming all internet, online business and transactions. We worry about viruses, hard drive crashed and look for back up resources. There are several out there, some are for documents like Lockboxdata, and others for hard-drive backup. Once again, the “What if†creeps up…what if your apartment or home burned up, that external hard-drive won’t do you a lot of good, or the boxes in the attic. “What if’ you were on vacation or out of the country and needed a document, could you easily access it?
Mark told the story of when his family went to England, and lost their passports on the way from the airport to the hotel, and how his LockBoxData.com account allowed him to download copies of the passports to take to the embassy. In a couple of hours they had new passports and were able to travel on to France and enjoy the rest of their trip.
Mark and Gary next explained how people can purchase a box. They also explained the residual monthly income opportunity for people who work LockBoxData.com as a business.
Thanks Gary and Mark coming into the studio today to talk about LockBoxData.com and how it can be a valuable resource for everyone.
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Listen to this week’s Chic Tip for Success from Mireille Guiliano, #1 bestselling author of Why French Women Don’t Get Fat & Women, Work & the Art of Savoir Faire on the Chic Perspectives Show. Find out what accessory you should never leave home without – hint, it’s not your Amex.
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It was such a pleasure to have Mireille Guiliano on The Chic Perspectives Show today. Mireille Guiliano is the bestselling author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, and she came by the studio today to talk about her latest book, Women, Work & The Art of Savoir Faire.
Despite my terrible (terribly non-existent) french accent – we had a great time getting to know each other. Definitely want to listen in to this great interview with Mireille Guilliano – she is a woman who knows her stuff and has walked her talk, through many successful adventures and stages in life – she says we live in episodes – and as a transformation goddess myself, I really must agree.
Mireille shares her experiences working at a CEO of a french champagne company in the states, as she headed to the US to lead up their new presence in America. And how she grew market share of the brand from less than 1% to 23% of the luxury champagne market.
Mireille talks about how make career decisions that will allow you to maximize and achieve your potential and also enjoy your life. Personal branding, enlightened self interest, and getting unstuck and manifesting a magnificent turnaround – are all part of the wisdom she shares.
Her unique french -american perspective is indeed a treasure. Check out her book and her free websites for all the latest on business sense and sensibility for the chic entrepreneur.
I love Mireille’s philosophy and the book is a delight – definitely pick it up … some of my favorite of her ideas are:
“Communication skills are the key to a successful career, more than intelligence, knowledge or experienceâ€Â — or hard work, I would add — “The latter might get you the job, but the former gets you promoted†– really, yes, that is how it actually works out there. Wake up and realize that there is a game, it needs to be played – and you can play it like a woman and win.
“The enlightened career move has to balance talent with passion and opportunity. Nature did not give us the bodies to succeed in certain professions or the minds for others.â€Â — Stop fighting with nature and instead maximize what you have, Mireille tells us to work with what we’ve got and communicate how we are unique, different and special – because we all are.
We also had an interesting chat about how too much talent can be a burden, and how to make important career decisions by taking into account your life as well as your ambition.
Thanks for stopping by Mirielle and sharing your Chic Perspective with our listeners today (she was on Good Day Atlanta this morning), safe travels back to NY and lovely Paris. I certainly look forward to applying the art of savoir faire to my business and my life and I know our listeners do as well. Check out Mirielle Guilliano and her latest book Women, Work & the art of Savoir Faire @ www.mireilleguiliano.com and http://frenchwomendontgetfat.com/
For more on how to be a Chic Success as a Chic Entrepreneur, get all of Season One of Chic Perspectives on CD on download. Thanks for listening to the Chic Perspectives Show. Let me know who else’s you like us to get on the show to share how to “succeed in style†– your own personal style, that is – creating an authentic flourishing business as a unique reflection of yourself, your joy, your genius and your ambition for yourself, your family and the world.
Thanks for being a Chic Entrepreneur. Until next time, wishing you all Chic Success.  — Elizabeth